5 Songs To Improve Your Mood Right Now

Neil Mathew
6 min readOct 29, 2019

Music is a crucial part of my life.

I am in my 30s. When I was getting into rap music as a teenager, I would wait hours to download single songs thanks to platforms like Napster and Limewire. I would actually purchase the music from a physical location that sold CDs, and check out the cover art after doing so. This is basically a thing of the past in 2019.

I genuinely feel as though music has always been a large part of my life. Its influence has been constant. I might have been six, and interested by a particular melody in a Bollywood movie, fifteen, appreciating a Nas album, or seventeen, having my mind blown thanks to local brass bands (I grew up in New Orleans).

No, I wouldn’t describe myself as a music nerd…there’s a good chance that you know all about indie bands that I have never heard of. The truth is that I still haven’t listened to so many incredible albums.

After all, there is only so much time in the world. However, if you are someone who “doesn’t like music that much” — and yes, there are people like that — I am going to be…



Neil Mathew

Copywriter/Ghostwriter. 1 million+ views. 5x Top Writer featured in The Startup, Level, Med Daily, and more. Inquiries: www.neilmathewcopywriter.com